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Useful Links for Inventors

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Invention Promotion Firms: US Federal Trade Commission Advice
Yahoo's Listing of sites with advice for inventors

Invention Development and Marketing

Innomart - Australia Innovation Industry marketplace
The Internet Invention Store
Inventions for Sale or License
Rengam Enterprises Inc. (Canada)


Contacts for Australian Inventors associations
Inventors Association of Australia - Victoria
Inventors Association of Australia - Queensland
Inventors Association of Australia - South Australia
United Inventors' Association - USA.
Institute of Patentees and Inventors - UK
Inventors Assistance League - US

Resources & Links

Inventors Hall of Fame
Index of American Inventors
National Technology Transfer Centre (US) - Inventors Resources

DaVinci's Inventor Homepage

PD Associates - Resources for Inventors
Pipers inventors resources and links
Inventors Resources

Topical sites

Ausinvent - Technology Innovation Research Centre (TIRC) at the University of Wollongong
Inventors Network
Inventure Place


INVENTORS WORLD - UK Inventors magazine
Inventors Network Newsletter


The Lemelson-MIT Prize Program MIT's Invention Dimension