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Dynamic Stationery is a small family-run business producing specialised stationery for the Australian research community. Our products are designed to meet local needs and are made in Australia to the highest quality standards.

The business was started in 1995 to fill a long felt need for a gridded notebook similar to those in wide use in the US and Europe, but which were unavailable in Australia. The initiative was prompted in part by impending changes in the US patent system which would allow foreign inventors to take advantage of the US systems 'first to invent' rule when applying for a US Patent.

The primary focus of the business is a range of laboratory notebooks designed to meet the specific requirements of the US patent system as a record of invention. With these notebooks, Australian researchers and inventors can now take advantage of the US patent system's 'first to invent' rule to obtain an earlier priority date than they might formerly have achieved. This can mean the difference between success and failure in obtaining a US patent for an invention.